inDrive compliance

Compliance and integrity

inDrive's supermission: Challenging social injustice
People and communities around the world must have equal and fair opportunities to develop and prosper.
Integrity, transparency, and fairness play a central role at inDrive and shape how we perceive ourselves. Our work is guided by our Code of Conduct and underscored by an extensive system of policies, regulations, training, and communications.

Compliance and integrity

inDrive's supermission: Challenging social injustice
People and communities around the world must have equal and fair opportunities to develop and prosper.
Integrity, transparency, and fairness play a central role at inDrive and shape how we perceive ourselves. Our work is guided by our Code of Conduct and underscored by an extensive system of policies, regulations, training, and communications.

Code of Conduct

Compliance with laws, rules, and ethical standards ensures strong business and lays the foundation for long-term achievements. inDrive is committed to maintaining integrity, adhering to global laws, and safeguarding ethical principles and agreements. Our most important rules and policies are summarized in the inDrive Code of Conduct. These are the expectations and requirements that apply to all company employees and third parties who are guided by inDrive's core principles in their work every day.
Our Code of Conduct is the heart of inDrive’s Compliance Management System (CMS), which represents our commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct and integrity. We aim to enhance our CMS to recognize and improve its efficiency globally, using innovative, effective, and practical business solutions and regular compliance risk assessment.
See our Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Compliance with laws, rules, and ethical standards ensures strong business and lays the foundation for long-term achievements. inDrive is committed to maintaining integrity, adhering to global laws, and safeguarding ethical principles and agreements. Our most important rules and policies are summarized in the inDrive Code of Conduct. These are the expectations and requirements that apply to all company employees and third parties who are guided by inDrive's core principles in their work every day.
Our Code of Conduct is the heart of inDrive’s Compliance Management System (CMS), which represents our commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct and integrity. We aim to enhance our CMS to recognize and improve its efficiency globally, using innovative, effective, and practical business solutions and regular compliance risk assessment.
See our Code of Conduct

Whistleblower system

One of the main components of our compliance program at inDrive involves fostering a "Speak Up" culture.  We are Honest and Speak Up if something is not right.
This open corporate culture not only strengthens cooperation within the team, but also serves as the basis of our Whistleblower system.
We encourage team members to exercise their responsibility and help maintain our strong defenses. inDrive employees are made aware of their responsibilities as potential bystanders and are assured that they will not face any form of retaliation for intervening, reporting, or supporting an investigation.

Integrity Line

inDrive's Integrity Line is a confidential service for reporting violations of law or internal policies at inDrive. All employees and third parties are able to report issues through this service. Incoming reports are triaged and directed to the proper team for investigation.
inDrive’s Integrity Line is available 24/7 in most languages. Reports can be completely anonymous.

When to use the Integrity Line?

inDrive encourages the reporting of presumed or existing compliance violations, such as corruption, conflicts of interest, fraud, unethical behavior, discrimination, harassment, or other violations of the applicable law and/or the Code of Conduct.
See our inDrive's Integrity Line

Integrity Line

inDrive's Integrity Line is a confidential service for reporting violations of law or internal policies at inDrive. All employees and third parties are able to report issues through this service. Incoming reports are triaged and directed to the proper team for investigation.
inDrive’s Integrity Line is available 24/7 in most languages. Reports can be completely anonymous.

When to use the Integrity Line?

inDrive encourages the reporting of presumed or existing compliance violations, such as corruption, conflicts of interest, fraud, unethical behavior, discrimination, harassment, or other violations of the applicable law and/or the Code of Conduct.
See our inDrive's Integrity Line

When not to use inDrive's Integrity Line?

— to spread deliberately false information or slander.  The deliberate provision of false or misleading information is prohibited;
— to disseminate advertising materials (for collaboration and advertising please send a message to;
— to report a security bug in our in-scope applications or infrastructure (these reports should be directed to the HackerOne platform);
— to ask for a customer, driver or courrier support (these requests should be sent to

Our policies and regulations

Prohibition on corruption

Our Anti-Corruption Policy
specifies the most important
rules in detail.
Learn more

Conflicts of interest

Avoid situations where
personal interests could interfere
with professional duties.
Learn more

Whistleblower system

inDrive's Whistleblower system is an
important framework aimed at protecting
the company and its employees.
Learn more